Upward Health Delivering Enhanced Care Management Services to Central California Alliance for Health Members
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. / April 17, 2024 / Upward Health announced today its partnership with Central California Alliance for Health (the Alliance) to deliver Enhanced Care Management (ECM) services to a high-complexity cohort of the Alliance’s membership. The Alliance provides health insurance to over 428,000 members in Merced, Monterey and Santa Cruz counties through California’s Medicaid program, Medi-Cal. Upward Health has been delivering its in-home, whole-person model of care to high-risk and high-need patients in California for several years, and it has served as an ECM provider in multiple counties since 2022.
ECM is a comprehensive, community-based care management service. The program is part of the CalAIM (California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal) multi-year plan to integrate social services and improve outcomes for Medi-Cal beneficiaries. The Alliance is eager to increase provider access to deliver on these initiatives, across the five counties it serves. Upward Health plans to launch as one of the Alliance’s few providers delivering ECM services in Merced County and will expand to additional counties over time.
Michael Schrader,
Central California Alliance
for Health CEO
“We are excited for our members to receive enhanced care services to assist them in being their healthiest selves, and partnering with Upward Health allows us to better serve these members’ health needs, especially in more rural service areas,” said Michael Shrader, the Alliance’s Chief Executive Officer.
Patients referred to ECM with Upward Health will work with a dedicated Care Specialist in this high-touch program focused on coordinating physical, behavioral, and social services. Depending on patient needs, the service may include help finding a doctor, ensuring access to needed medications, or applying for housing. Beyond coordinating services, the ongoing support and motivation provided by the Care Specialist is critical to patient outcomes.
Glen Moller,
Upward Health CEO
“I’ve had the opportunity to join our team for numerous ECM patient visits, and I’ve seen the tremendous impact this program makes for those in need,” said Glen Moller, Upward Health’s Chief Executive Officer. “I’m excited to continue to grow our ECM footprint with the Alliance, and to increase the number of patients we can assist across California.”